Made in Türkiye
If you would like a refund for any specific reason about your product, you may return it in the first 14 days after the day that you have recieved your product. In Evening Dresses this time is 24 hours. All you have to do is log in to our website with your sefamerve user account and create a refund registration. For more detailed information about refunds you may check under HELP - SUPPORT and click the Refund and Order Canceling section.
Your refund process will be launched and completed within 3 to 5 working days, upon receipt of the item.
The product change procedure is only valid for orders inside Turkey.
Very good (3)
Good (1)
Neither good nor bad (0)
Bad (0)
Very bad (0)
Ürün çok güzel tam göründüğü gibi Tavsiye ederim yazlık ince güzel bir kumaşı var
Beden 40 aldım ama daha büyük gibi
Çok güzel rahat bi ürün yaz için çok ideal
Herseye süüüüüüüüper ve coooooooooook memnum kaldim.